yellow tea in Chinese
- 黄茶
- "yellow" in Chinese : adj. 1.黄(色)的。 2.皮肤黄的;蒙古[黄色]人 ...
- "tea" in Chinese : n. 1.茶;茶叶。 2.茶树。 3.茶水;茶汤。 4. ...
- "yellow jewel tea set" in Chinese : 宝石黄茶具
- "yellow tea mite" in Chinese : 广明螨
- "yellow tea thrips" in Chinese : 黄蓟马
- "in the tea" in Chinese : 在茶里
- "tea" in Chinese : n. 1.茶;茶叶。 2.茶树。 3.茶水;茶汤。 4.〔英国〕午后茶点,午 ...
- "tea the" in Chinese : 茶
- "tea with" in Chinese : 贝富文
- "be yellow" in Chinese : 胆小的; 真是胆小鬼
- "yellow" in Chinese : adj. 1.黄(色)的。 2.皮肤黄的;蒙古[黄色]人种的。 3.忧郁的; ...
- "tea tea" in Chinese : 是茶水
- "yellow yellow" in Chinese : 黄色的香蕉真好吃; 是黄色
- "biluochun tea (green tea)" in Chinese : 碧螺春
- "brick tea - jin tea" in Chinese : 紧茶
- Auto tea infuse master can be applies to infusing six of chinese tea series ( green tea , yellow tea , white tea , oolong tea , black tea , and dark tea )
Other Languages
- "yellow tea" meaning in Japanese: 《茶》黄茶、ホワンチャー、君山銀針茶、霍山黄芽茶、黄大茶、黄小茶◆軽発酵茶。
- "yellow tea" meaning in Russian: Жёлтый чайЖёлтый чай
"tea kettle" in Chinese, "yellow yellow" in Chinese, "yellow wind" in Chinese, "chromosol yellow" in Chinese, "yellow copperas" in Chinese, "yellow music" in Chinese, "yellow time" in Chinese, "cationic yellow" in Chinese, "yellow lupine" in Chinese, "yellow t-shirt" in Chinese, "yellow tab" in Chinese, "yellow tail" in Chinese, "yellow tail moth" in Chinese, "yellow tang" in Chinese, "yellow tea mite" in Chinese, "yellow tea thrips" in Chinese, "yellow tear" in Chinese, "yellow tellurium" in Chinese,
What is the meaning of yellow tea in Chinese and how to say yellow tea in Chinese? yellow tea Chinese meaning, yellow tea的中文,yellow tea的中文,yellow tea的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by